
This is the fourth installment of Applying Machine Learning to Kaggle Datasets, a series of ipython notebooks demonstrating the methods described in the Stanford Machine Learning Course. In each noteobok, I apply one method taught in the course to an open kaggle competition.

In this notebook, I demonstrate support vector machines using the Titanic competition.


  1. Import and examine the data
  2. Construct features for SVM
  3. Optimize model parameters by solving f*X=y
  4. Evaluate model results
  5. Submit results to the Kaggle competition

Import Necessary Modules

In [270]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sb
#import code.SVM_Funcs as svm
import sklearn.svm as skm

1. Read Titanic Data

In [271]:
data = pd.read_csv("./data/titanic/train.csv", index_col="PassengerId")

Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
1 0 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22 1 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S
2 1 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C
3 1 3 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S
4 1 1 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35 1 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S
5 0 3 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35 0 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S

2. Transform Data into format for scikit-learn

In [272]:
def prepdata(data):
    Prepare data for use in scikit-learn SVM routines.

    # Sklearn.svm.SVC is the function for support vector machine classicifaction
    # results = svm.SVC(data,target)
    #   datain: ndarray: nobs x nfeatures
    #   target: ndarray: nobs,

    # Input data.
    #     a. Gather numerical inputs, fill nan values to mean of that category
    numcols = ['Age','Fare','Parch','SibSp']
    datain = data[numcols].copy()
    for col in datain.columns:
    #     b. Trim outliers from numerical inputs
    #datain['Age'][datain['Age']>70] = 70  # Cap age at 70
    #datain['Fare'][datain['Fare']>100] = 100
    #datain['Parch'][datain['Parch']>2] = 2
    #datain['SibSp'][datain['SibSp']>4] = 4
    #     c. Gather categorical variables as dummy variables of len(# of categories)
    catcols = ['Pclass','Sex','Cabin','Embarked','Name']
    for col in catcols:
        # Make copy of categorical column to process
        column = data[col].copy()

        # Extract cabin level from Cabin number
        if col=='Cabin':
            column = pd.Series(['NaN' if val is np.nan else val[0] for val in column],index=data.index)
            # Cabins T and G have very few occupants (1 and 4, respectively)
            column[column.isin(['T','G'])] = 'NaN'

        # Extract title from Name    
        if col=='Name':
            column = pd.Series([name.split('.')[0].split(' ')[-1] for name in column],index=data.index)
            # Only include titles of those with more than 2% occurance in the training data
            #titles = column.value_counts().keys()[column.value_counts().values>0.02*len(data)]
            titles = ['Master','Mr','Mrs','Miss']  # manually enter so it works with test data
            column[column.isin(titles)==False] = 'Other'

        dummies = pd.get_dummies(column,prefix=col)
        datain = datain.join(dummies)
    # Return datain and target to calling program
    return datain

datain = prepdata(data)
target = data['Survived']

# Linearly scale all non-categorical columns to range [-1,1]
numcols = ['Age','Fare','Parch','SibSp']
for col in numcols:
    # Zero mean, unit variance
    #datain[col] = (datain[col] - datain[col].mean()) / datain[col].std()
    # Range [-1,1]
    datain[col] = (datain[col]-datain[col].min())*2./(datain[col].max()-datain[col].min())-1.

3. Define function for cross validation

In [273]:
def crossvalidate(k,model,datain,target):
    Perform k-fold cross validation on the model trained
    with subsets of the input data (datain) and the 
    output labels (target).
    Return the fraction of the test set correctly 
    predicted during the cross validation.

    # Dictionary to hold cross-validation results
    validation = {'prediction':np.array([]),
    # Loop over data set k times
    if k>1:
        for ii in range(k):
            # Split data into training and test data
            indices  = datain.index[ii*len(datain)/k:(ii+1)*len(datain)/k]
            testin   = datain[datain.index.isin(indices)]
            trainin  = datain[~datain.index.isin(indices)]
            testout  = target[datain.index.isin(indices)]
            trainout = target[~datain.index.isin(indices)]

            # Train model on the training data
            results  =,trainout)
            validation['prediction'] = np.append(validation['prediction'],results.predict(testin),0)
            validation['target'] = np.append(validation['target'],testout,0)
        results =,target)
        validation['prediction'] = results.predict(datain)
        validation['target'] = target
    return 1-sum((validation['prediction']-validation['target'])!=0)/float(len(datain))

4. Perform Grid Search to optimize C and $\gamma$

In [281]:
# Perform k-fold cross validation
k = 3

# Define powers of C and gamma to test
Cpow = np.linspace(-5,12,8)
Gpow = np.linspace(-15,3,8)

# Loop over each combination of C and gamma
score = pd.DataFrame(index=Cpow,columns=[gp for gp in Gpow]) = 'Cvalues'
for cp in Cpow:
    #print "C = {}".format(cp)
    for gp in Gpow:
        #print r"    $\gamma = ${}".format(gp)
        model = skm.SVC(kernel='rbf',C=2**cp,gamma=2**gp)#,class_weight='auto')
        score.loc[cp,gp] = crossvalidate(k,model,datain,target)

In [282]:
# Visualize results of coarse grid search to refine grid
C,G = np.meshgrid(Cpow,Gpow)
CF = plt.contourf(C,G,score.T,
plt.title('Results of Coarse Grid Search',fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel(r'$log_2 \gamma$',fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel(r'$log_2 C$',fontsize=18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11c0d7250>

In [287]:
# Set new values of C and gamma based on figure above
Cpow = np.linspace(0,6,11)
Gpow = np.linspace(-6,0,11)

# Loop over each combination of C and gamma
score = pd.DataFrame(index=Cpow,columns=[gp for gp in Gpow]) = 'Cvalues'
for cp in Cpow:
    #print "C = {}".format(cp)
    for gp in Gpow:
        #print r"    $\gamma = ${}".format(gp)
        model = skm.SVC(kernel='rbf',C=2**cp,gamma=2**gp)#,class_weight='auto')
        score.loc[cp,gp] = crossvalidate(k,model,datain,target)

In [288]:
# Visualize results of coarse grid search to refine grid
C,G = np.meshgrid(Cpow,Gpow)
CF = plt.contourf(C,G,score.T,
plt.title('Results of Refined Grid Search',fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel(r'$log_2 \gamma$',fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel(r'$log_2 C$',fontsize=18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11d93db90>

In [289]:
# Set new values of C and gamma based on figure above
Cpow = np.linspace(3,6,11)
Gpow = np.linspace(-4,-1,11)

# Loop over each combination of C and gamma
score = pd.DataFrame(index=Cpow,columns=[gp for gp in Gpow]) = 'Cvalues'
for cp in Cpow:
    #print "C = {}".format(cp)
    for gp in Gpow:
        #print r"    $\gamma = ${}".format(gp)
        model = skm.SVC(kernel='rbf',C=2**cp,gamma=2**gp)#class_weight='auto')
        score.loc[cp,gp] = crossvalidate(k,model,datain,target)

In [290]:
# Visualize results of coarse grid search to refine grid
C,G = np.meshgrid(Cpow,Gpow)
CF = plt.contourf(C,G,score.T,
plt.title('Results of Ultra-Refined Grid Search',fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel(r'$log_2 \gamma$',fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel(r'$log_2 C$',fontsize=18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11db57ad0>

5. Train Final Model

In [291]:
# Select final C and gamma values
C = 2**3.8    # with class_weight = 'auto'   C = 2**3.1
g = 2**-1.5  # with class_weight = 'auto'   g = 2**-2.0

# Train final model with all the training data
model = skm.SVC(kernel='rbf',C=C,gamma=g)#,class_weight='auto')
results =,target)

6. Submit predictions to Kaggle

In [292]:
# Read test data from file
test = pd.read_csv("./data/titanic/test.csv",index_col="PassengerId")

# Make 
testin = prepdata(test)

# Linearly scale all non-categorical columns to range [-1,1],
# using scaling from the training data.
tempdata = prepdata(data)
numcols = ['Age','Fare','Parch','SibSp']
#tempdata = data[numcols].copy()
for col in numcols:
    # Zero mean, unit variance
    #testin[col] = (testin[col] - tempdata[col].mean()) / tempdata[col].std()
    # Range [-1,1]
    testin[col] = (testin[col]-tempdata[col].min())*2./(tempdata[col].max()-tempdata[col].min())-1.

# Make predictions using the test data from Kaggle
predictions = pd.DataFrame(results.predict(testin),index=testin.index,columns=['Survived'])
predictions = predictions.astype(int)

print "Score on Training Data = {}".format(1-sum((results.predict(datain)-target)!=0)/float(len(datain)))

Score on Training Data = 0.878787878788

This results in a final score of 0.77990 on the public leaderboard.

In [ ]: